Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to collect here all the most popular questions that users most often have.

How to buy Smasterilli patterns?

Currently, this site operates in a catalog format. Next to each pattern there are links to Smasterilli stores on the BuyMeaCofee and Inspire Uplift websites. These are our stores where the purchase of files for immediate download is available. After payment, the link will be sent to your email or to your personal account on the marketplace.

Can I sell embroidered or sewn works based on your tutorials and patterns?

Yes, you can, if you sell from 1 to 10 products made according my patterns and tutorials. But please, do not use my patterns and tutorials for create mass production.

I have questions about the pattern, where should I contact?

Write to me in private messages on Inspire Uplift, BuymeaCoffee, by email or use contact form on this web site. I’ll try to help you.

Is it possible to change the pattern that is sold in your shop? How much does it cost?

For free, I can change the grid size, colors, or change the format from A4 to another (for example, popular in USA Letter format). However, if you need to make changes to the image (for example, to finish something, drawing another cat to two), then it will already cost as personal order. The price is discussed depending on the size of the pattern, but not less than 30$. I usually agree to such orders if I have free time. Please treat this with understanding.

I paid for the pattern, but I can’t download it, what to do?

If for some reasonyou have not received the files, please write to me in private messages on Inspire Uplift, BuymeaCoffee or by email I’ll try to help you and i’ll send you the files myself on your email.

I saw these patterns in the Lamacrosstitch store on Etsy, do you have the right to sell them?

Yes, it is my patterns. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2022, Etsy blocked my store. But I decided to continue my work on other online platformes. I choose new name because it will allow me to place not only products dedicated to cross stitch, but also patterns and tutorials for sewing toys and other textile craft.

Can I resell your patterns or use it to create embroidery kits?

The patterns and tutorials are intended for personal use only. It is forbidden to use them for commercial serial production of derivative products: finished embroidery and crafts (more than 10 pieces), embroidery kits, products with an image from a pattern, etc.

Didn’t find the answer to the question?

We will be happy to help you in any way we can.

Make crafts Easier with Smasterilli! Welcome to our shop  — the go-to place for all your cross stitch and felt craft needs!

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